February 1 & 2, March 1 & 2 Saturday's/Sunday's 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM for Lightworkers and Starseeds who want tools and techniques for soul healing, heart expansion, and bringing the collective into higher dimensions. WITH MASTER TEACHERS AND ORIGINAL RECEIVERS OF ILLUMINATION AND LIGHTNING
If you could be a conduit for high frequency energies, illuminate your path and the path of others, while consciously creating more peace on the planet, would you jump to that timeline or would you keep on…
Playing small instead of embracing your inner power?
Ignoring your inner calling to uplift the consciousness of humanity?
Bypassing your gifts and abilities that would bring more love, light and peace to the world?
Good news, we've got you Lightworker!
In this 4 day in-person course
you'll embody 2 powerful cosmic energies that will significantly upshift your vibration so you can be a beacon for humanities ascension experience.
Why You Need this Course as Part of Your Conscious Ascension Journey
This new healing modality is like nothing on Earth at this time. Illumination and Lightning merged together will
assist and ease your ascension process so that you can then help others accelerate into higher dimensions.
become the ultimate purification system for clearing and cleansing stagnant energy and renewing your body, heart, and soul.
Why You Want Us to be Your Course Facilitat0rs We were reunited on this timeline 6 years ago with no idea how our connection was unfolding in divine time. We met as teacher and student and became fast friends knowing we were soul connected and that throughout time, we’ve taught together on and off planet. This knowledge includes teaching in the temples in Lemuria.
Now we’re being guided to bring Illumination and Lightning together as a brand new modality to support you in the grand plan of Ascension.
We know in our heart and soul we are calling back the souls who have known us before and agreed to be part of the awakened collective and those who are called to light up the world with higher vibrations of peace. We are here for the Lightworkers, Wayshowers, and Starseeds.
Andrea Kukulka, a renowned medium and healer, brings 30 years of personal experience and 12 years of metaphysical teaching expertise to her practice. Her intuitive gifts and mentorship have transformed countless lives.
Phyllis Simonetta combines 30+ years of various teaching experience with 11 years as a skilled healer, offering a unique blend of wisdom and spiritual guidance.
Let us to be your fairy godmothers on your spiritual growth and enlightenment journey.
Practitioner certification in both Illumination and Lightning
Tools and techniques for healing your own soul and others, reaching your higher self with ease, and finding your inner peace.
The ability to channel Light Language physcially (hand sign, movement), Orally (speak, sing, chant), Written (symbols, codes), or Art (any medium)
Emerging Soul knowledge and wisdom
Dormant DNA activated
Knowing how to drop into your heart space more easily
Expert Guidance: Learn directly from the original receivers of these cosmic energies
Course Material: Receive a manual for each modality
Practical Application: hands-on experience for harnessing both energies in your own practice
Activations, Attunements and Meditations: multiple energy experiences to awaken and install Illumination, Lightning, and Light Language capabilities, expand your heart and mind, and embody your Higher Self
Exclusive Facebook Group: share experiences, build community, ask questions, get answers inside this group created only for the Illuminate Your Spark Course students
Community building and spontaneous channelings and transmissions inside the exclusive Facebook Group
Who is this for? Lightworkers and Starseeds are who are ready to accelerate their divine plan on Earth.
Is there a prerequisite? Yes, level II Reiki in any lineage or a similar energy-email phyllis@phyllissimonetta to inquiry
Can I miss a class and become certified? No, all classes are essential components to the process
Are there payment options? Yes, full payment or 2 payments
Can I get refunded if I have a scheduling conflict? No, but you can transfer your ticket to someone else who qualifies
NEXT LEVEL EVOLUTION OF YOUR SOUL If this course is calling to you, you're likely a lightworker, here to make the world a better place simply by being you and sharing your gifts with the world.
You may also suspect (or know for sure) that you're a Starseed here to bridge worlds and help with the ascension of all sentinent beings and Earth.
Joining this course will give your access to multidimentional energies that'll exponentially accelerate your vibration, open your pathwayto be a beacon of peace of Earth, and be in service to All That Is.
As a conduit of these high frequency energies, you'll accomplish your divine plan.
DO YOU FEEL IT IN YOUR HEART? Spark the light within you, open to your soul's divine truth and join us!